What is my BMI?

Calculate your BMI

Body mass index (BMI) is the measure most often used by medical professionals to determine if you have a healthy body weight. The higher your BMI, the more your health is at risk.

A BMI calculator simply divides your weight in kg by your height in metres squared. There will be other considerations which determine your eligibility, however, if you want a simple understanding of which procedures you are eligible for the BMI calculator is a great place to start.

For most adults, an ideal BMI is in the 18.5 to 24.9 range.

If you have a BMI of 27 you may be eligible for one of our weight loss options, and if it is 30 you may be eligible for a surgical procedure such as the gastric sleeve.

To know your daily calorie requirements for your BMI, view our Calorie deficit calculator

BMI Calculator

Enter your height and weight details below to check your BMI. Please note: A height and weight must be entered to complete the calculation.

*Disclaimer: The procedures highlighted for your consideration in this BMI checker are for guidance only based on BMI alone. They are not a recommendation. The procedure that is best for you will be a decision you will make following a face to face consultation with the surgeon at which your general health, weight loss objectives and other factors will also be a considered.